Is Solo Travel More Enjoyable Than Group Travel?

Solo travel is exhausting— both mentally and physically. You are the captain of your ship. However, you can steer yourself to majestic waters you wouldn’t find when traveling with friends. 

Solo travel is better than traveling with friends because you overcome the shame of being alone. You build confidence and self-esteem to use in your everyday life. It is fun to create memories with friends, but seeing the world on your own is euphoric. 

In this article, I will explain how traveling with friends has limits while solo traveling is limitless. 

Noah hiking in Kauai on the iconic Napali coast

Hi, I am Noah takes the world. I love solo traveling. Planning a solo trip can be stressful with endless scrolling and searching.

My mission is to make your solo trip a reality. 

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Table of contents:

What Is the Greatest Benefit of Solo Travel?

Before I discovered the power of solo travel, I felt limited in what I could do. When people would cancel plans or choose to take someone else instead of me, I felt so defeated. 

The most significant benefit of solo traveling is learning there is no shame in being alone. You can have the most immersive experiences by yourself. 

After my countless solo trips, I plan my life differently. Instead of waiting for an invite and for happiness and excitement to find me, I actively seek it out. 

I have learned how to ski on my own—gone up sky decks without anyone to take my Instagram photos—and have loved every second of it. 

On my solo trip, I visited a shrine in Togakushi and felt at peace.
Solo travel helps you learn how to appreciate being alone.

Why Is Solo Travel More Freeing Than Group Travel?

Some might argue that traveling alone can be lonely. However, being with people you cannot fully be yourself with is much more isolating than solo traveling. 

When I travel alone, I can be fully myself: play the music I want, act the way I want, and most importantly, see the world in the way I want. 

If you are tired, you can end your day early, and no one will be affected. If you want to bike the day away and ditch Instagram filters, you can without any consequences. You only have to consider your needs when you travel solo. That is true freedom. 

Solo travel is true freedom. You can take as many pictures as you want, and pose in anyway.
Buy a tripod, and you can easily take self-timers on your solo trip.

What Are the Downsides to Traveling With Friends?

It is exciting to see new sites with friends. Endless picture opportunities and entertaining dinner conversations. However, there will always be an element of compromise when you travel with other people.

We all have different needs and wants. When you travel with other people, you hope they align, but they never perfectly do. 

You might spend more money than you want or skip an attraction to satisfy someone else’s needs. 

Traveling with friends can be fun, but it can be full of conflict and stress. Traveling tests relationships, from navigating public transportation to debating where to grab a bite to eat. 

Even the most stable relationships can shatter amid a travel crisis. Believe me, I have had my fair share of these. 

In less extreme cases, I worry about making mistakes when I travel with friends. I blame myself if I suggested a particular attraction and it was a bust. 

However, when you solo travel, you can quickly shake off your mistakes and see them as a learning opportunity. It is less serious when you are the only one affected. 

On my solo trips, I love to take long runs in beautiful places.
On my solo trips, I never feel embarrassed if I accidentally go off course.

How Do You Overcome Loneliness When You Solo Travel?

Most people prefer to travel with their friends because they do not want to be alone. However, solo traveling does not necessarily invite loneliness. 

When you are alone, you will naturally battle feelings of loneliness. You can easily overcome lonely feelings on your solo trip if you have an itinerary and clear objectives. Limiting your social media consumption and conversing with strangers will also help you deal with loneliness. 

You will feel very alone if you travel solo without a plan or a purpose. If you are still in a hotel room, unsure of where to go, you will wish you had someone with you. 

Once you figure out how to find happiness without another person dictating your plans, you will forget you are even alone on your solo trip. 

I never feel alone on my solo trips because I plan out each day with plenty of activities I would enjoy doing alone. 

It is hard to think about loneliness when new sights and sounds encapsulate you, and you have a list of things to do that will spark joy. 

I stay away from social media on my solo trips. When you are constantly connected to others online, it can cloud your experience on your solo trip. 

You can doubt your trip’s authenticity and excitement when you see what your followers are doing. 

When you solo travel, don’t be afraid to talk to strangers you meet. If you have a question, ask it! I feel isolated and alone when I fear asking a question. 

Talking to strangers can ease the burden of traveling alone.

Even if you solo travel, you will find crowds at famous sites like Niagara Falls. It was nice to see people enjoy the view of the waterfall.
Strike up conversations with fellow travelers if you crave human interaction.

Solo Travel Will Always Be Superior

I prefer solo travel over traveling with friends because solo traveling is a more transformative experience. 

Anytime you travel, you will face challenges. Learning how to manage these challenges on your own will serve you for your entire life. 

You will have a more dynamic trip if you travel alone because you won’t have to compromise. It is one of the few times you can put yourself first. 

Proceed with caution, though, because once you solo travel, you will never want to go back. That freedom is addictive, and your friends might be confused as to why you never want to travel with them. 

Solo traveling is my biggest passion. I hope this article gives you inspiration and encouragement to make your solo trip a reality.

Still need help planning your solo trip? Let’s get into contact:





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