What Cityscape Photography Teaches Me

Although nature photography is my biggest passion, I love exploring new cities and photographing iconic structures. When I marvel at skylines, I grow a greater appreciation for the creatives that came before me.

It’s hard to imagine that a towering building was first the product of a creative mind. Another exciting element of cityscape photography is trying to capture the movement of a city.

Enjoying my cityscape photos? See 100 photos I took while living in Japan.

The sunsets on top of Arthur's seat in Edinburgh, Scotland with a view of the skyline in the background.

Why Cityscape Photography Challenges Me

In Tokyo, I was left breathless as I watched Tokyoites navigate the busiest street crossing in the world. In Berlin, I was intrigued as I watched various ethnic groups enjoy a German holiday.

The hardest part of cityscape photography is trying to accurately showcase a city and its endless moving parts. There is a delicate balance between cropping out the imperfections and using the imperfections to create a more vivid image.

I want my photos to tell a story, but when there are too many actors in the frame, the story is lost. Cityscape photography typically challenges me more than nature photography.

What more? Take a look at my nature photos

A long exposure photo of arc de triomphe. Cars pass by the building creating light streaks in the cityscape photo.

What’s Next

I have solo traveled across East Asia, Europe, and North America, photographing iconic cities like Rome, New York, and Seoul. I hope to soon visit South America and Africa because I know seeing those cityscapes will expand my worldview.

I have learned so much by simply observing people in their environment. Sometimes, sitting on a park bench and letting my eyes wander is the most memorable part of my trip.

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